FEMA Letter of Map Amendment
Flood Map Research and LOMA Application ServiceFEMA Letter of Map Amendment
When a Homeowner believes their property is wrongly mapped in a Special Flood Hazard Area, they can submit a request for a FEMA Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA). In this case, we can offer LOMA help.
A LOMA is an official amendment, by letter, to the official FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) used by lenders and insurance companies.
Moreover, a LOMA of removal may be granted because a property has been inadvertently mapped in the floodplain, but is actually on natural high ground above the base flood elevation. This is how you dispute a FEMA flood map.
Once the process is complete, the owner will receive a LOMA document stating that the property is no longer in a high-risk flood zone. As a result, flood insurance will no longer be required.
In conclusion, we’re here to help you with your LOMA application!
“Thanks for all of the help you provided to us and all of your time in making it possible for us to be removed from the expense of the flood insurance that we were stuck with for 20 years.
Finally after all of these years the mortgage company didn’t increase our payment to cover the increase in flood insurance, that happened almost every year, we even received an over payment refund.
Thanks for helping us, we would have been stuck and eventually would have probably just given up if not for your excellent help. Thanks so much.”
We can guarantee a LOMA of Removal
- After reviewing the property, we will promptly contact you with our findings. If, based on our review, we determine that the structure can be successfully removed from the flood zone, our next step will be to work with FEMA on your behalf.
- If we are unable to remove your property from the FEMA high-risk flood zone and get the flood insurance mandate dropped, we will refund any payment in full. There is no risk on your part—this is our guarantee.
- You will save more money than the cost of our service (often many times over) as a result.
- The best part? You will no longer be throwing money away on unnecessary flood insurance.

Note: eLOMA, a FEMA-approved method empowers Licensed Professionals to submit expedited Letter of Map Amendments (LOMA) nationwide, reducing processing times from months to hours in some cases.